
1. Time Framed

Standard Transaction executes immediately.

Intents can be configured to run only on a predefined time window.

2. Recurrence

Standard Transaction runs only once.

Intents can be set to run multiple times at planned intervals.

3. Pausing / Canceling

Standard Transaction after signed and broadcasted, cannot be blocked.

Intents can be blocked/unblocked even after signed and broadcasted.

4. Pay on fail

Standard Transaction might fail and cannot be run anymore in that case. Moreover, the singer pays for the gas usage of the transaction

Intents signer pays only when the transaction succeeds. Failed transactions do not prevent running a successful one

5. Gassless

Standard Transaction needs to be paid in native token by the signer in order to be executed

Intents allow many types of payment sachems, e.g. paying with tokens, gasless transactions, etc.

6. Alert-only Mode

Standard Transaction after signed cannot be run as "simulate" only on a real network.

Intents are able to set a "dry only" flag that allows executing on the blockchain without changing any state.

7. Atomic Transaction Batching

Standard Transaction can execute only one call per transaction.

Intents can execute multiple calls packed in one native transaction.

8. Multi-Party Transactions

Standard Transaction holds one signer per call.

Intents can hold multiple calls of multiple signers to be executed as one native transaction.

9. Built-in Multisig

Standard Transaction one singer per call.

Intents support multiple signers with various signing schemes.

10. Serial vs Parallel

Standard Transaction cannot run until the prior transaction has been executed.

Intents order of execution is not strict.

Last updated